A review by donnareadathon2021
Not My Love Story by Dani McLean


The story
Screenwriters Harrison and Hayley are forced to hole up in a hotel for a week around Valentine’s Day in the slightly magical city of Chance. He’s a bit of a cynic, not keen at all to write the romcom they have been tasked with. The two spent a night together six months ago and Harrison hasn’t been able to forget about it. Without knowing what Hayley’s feelings for him are, Harrison is determined to keep his feelings for her under wraps!

My thoughts
The story is the second novella in Dani McLean’s Movie Magic series. The story starts off slowly but quickly starts covering every romance trope there is. A plethora of meet cutes after one trip to a coffee shop, a couples shoot, a classic one-bed moment… this story has them all. I sense that this story is also the screenplay being written, the authors doubling up as characters being sketched as the two write the story. It’s a cute, easy Hallmark movie-type read.