A review by caseroo7
Bedding the Wrong Brother by Virna DePaul


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Bedding the Wrong Brother by Virna DePaul was a short and sweet contemporary read. I really was excited to read this one because I love a good unrequited love story. The fact that the main characters had known each other since they were little and grew up together really sold me on this one. Even though this story wasn't exactly what I had been expecting, I thought that it was an enjoyable one.

Melina is an entomologist (she studies bugs) and is feeling a bit insecure after her latest boyfriend leaves her for a younger woman. As if that wasn't bad enough he tells her that she is bad in bed. Looking to make sure that she can please her next boyfriend, Melina turns to her best friend Max for help. Melina has been friends with Max and Rhys Dalton for years. She has had a crush on Rhys for years, but he has distanced himself from her and she decides that its better for Max to help her because she doesn't have the same feelings for him as she does for Rhys. Max reluctantly agrees, but ends up calling in his brother Rhys. Rhys and Melina end up together one night and Melina doesn't realize that it is Rhys and not Max until the following morning. Once the truth is revealed, Rhys is determined to be the tutor that Melina thinks she needs. As the two embark on a weekend together to tutor her, their feelings for each other grow even stronger. But when both are reluctant to have their relationship end at the end of the weekend, they begin to question whether they can turn it into something lasting. How can a homebody and a world traveler possibly have a relationship, and what are they each willing to sacrifice in the name of love?

I liked Rhys. He was sweet and thoughtful, and I loved how he was with Melina. Even though he tried to put space between them in order to protect himself, you could tell he really cared about her. I wish that we could have got to know him a little better though. I feel like we didn't really get a chance to learn much about him. I feel the same about Melina. Even though we see that she is vulnerable and a bit insecure at times there are other times when she takes charge and seems to become someone completely different. That being said though, It was as though we only really get to know these characters on the surface. I was hoping for more depth to them. I think that Rhys and Melina had good chemistry together and they had a few hot scenes together. I think that they were believable as a couple because they had known each other for so long and grew up together. But it wasn't quite as strong because they hadn't really been around each other in so long and for the past few years before this story takes place, Rhys had spent distancing himself from her.

My other main complaint with this story was that I didn't really find the situation believable. I thought that it was pretty crappy of Max to put both Rhys and Melina in the situation that he did. You could tell that his intentions were good, but I just didn't think that it was how most people would really act. I also found it pretty questionable that neither Rhys nor Melina really picked up on anything until the following morning. Both of them just blindly went along with everything even though there were several clues about who was who. Otherwise though, I thought that this one was a good but not very memorable read. If you are looking for a sweet story with an HEA, you might give this one a chance. It is one that you can sit down with and finish easily with a satisfying ending, but if you are looking for any real depth I would say this might not be the one for you. I am curious about Max though and I look forward to reading his book in the future.

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