A review by tartancrusader
Quantum Psychology: How Brain Software Programs You & Your World by Robert Anton Wilson


I'd recommend this book to just about anyone. Rather than teaching you what to think, it tries to prod you in a new direction of how to think. It doesn't insist on the correctness of any particular world-view but rather tries to instruct on the possibilities of alternate view-points. It's genuinely insightful and, if you'll let it be, revelatory.

I'm not saying it's all wonderful. I consider myself to be a 'hard' scientist. I have little (i.e. no) tolerance for hand-waving mysticism or woolly 'explanations' of the "God Did It" type. And there's some of the former in this work, certainly. But if you approach this with a genuinely critical outlook and carefully scrutinize its statements you will, I absolutely guarantee, find much in its pages that will surprise, delight and maybe, just maybe, enlighten.

It's worth the price of admission for the section on E-prime, alone.