A review by eesh25
Fangs for Freaks by Serena Robar


1.5 Star

So... by the time I review the first book, I'd already read this one. And in my review of book 1, I posted a spoiler free glimpse of my opinions for this book. Here they are:

"don't read the sequel. I'm not writing a full review for the sequel but I'll give you a non-spoiler glimpse.

Thomas: Hey Colby, you okay?
Colby: *storms off in a rage* *How dare he be concerned! He thinks I'm weak. I'm not weak. Thomas is an asshole! I'm never talking to him!*

That's basically it (it's getting 1 star). Safe to say, I hated Colby. She was always making stupid assumptions, she was self-absorbed, vain, inconsiderate, bratty, about as mature as a 5-year-old, and dumber than a sac of potatoes. Also safe to say, I'm not reading the third, and last, book."

I think that pretty accurately describes how I feel. Additionally, I didn't like the story, got tired of the writing and narrative and wish I'd stopped at book 1.

The half star is for Piper.