A review by rachelwrites007
The Andalite Chronicles by K.A. Applegate


I never read this book when I was a kid. I think that I confused TAC with Visser, and I had no desire to read Visser's point of view. I recently read [b:The Invasion|50498485|The Invasion (Animorphs Graphix #1)|K.A. Applegate|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1579358287l/50498485._SX50_.jpg|75473130] graphic novel, which spiraled me back into reading fan fiction and catching up with some books I never read, like this one!

First off, this was a quick read and I loved seeing Elfangor's point of view. I loved the battle scenes and the war buddy camaraderie (Arbron + Elfangor!). I loved seeing all the different types of aliens - Andalites and Taxxons and Yeerks. And the Ellimist!

So why only 3 stars? I wanted MORE from this story. I wasn't quite sure how Loren and Chapman ended up on the Skrit Na planet, why Chapman had to be there (he felt shoe horned in, honestly, because he was the vice principal of the Animorph kids in present day), and/or why the last third was so rushed. Was there a word count limit? I wanted to see Elfangor adjusting to Earth and see more of his romance with Loren. There was an opportunity seriously missed.

Overall, this was a fun space opera romp. I would've LOVED this as a kid, but as an adult I longed for more depth.