A review by greendragonauthor
Call of the Morrigú by Christy Nicholas

As I'm the author, I will tell a bit about the process of writing this book.

The storyline of waking an immortal or ancient entity isn't a new one, by any means. There's even a Tom Cruise movie coming out next month with a similar line. However, most stories of this type (there are exceptions) have the wakened entity as a monster of irredeemable temper. I wanted to show a Goddess willing to at least try to become 'modern'. Of course, 'try' is the operative word, here. And a 'modern woman' in 1798 is not exactly something an ancient war goddess would easily emulate.

I wasn't as intimately familiar with 1798 as I had been with earlier or later periods in Irish history, and had to do a lot of research into the politics and warfare of the time, as well as the personalities involved. It was fascinating research, and I do hope I did it justice.

While there are some strong sexual themes and strong descriptions of violence, any actual sexual activity in this book takes place off-screen.
