A review by libralita
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare


While I’m completely confused at what actually is going but…William Herondale.

“Let me give you a piece of advice. The handsome young fellow who’s trying to rescue you from a hideous fate is never wrong. Not even if he says the sky is purple and made of hedgehogs.” – Will Herondale, page 40

I could fill this entire review with just funny Will lines.

“It lasted only a moment, though. Slowly Jessamine lowered her hand from her mouth, her face still very pale. ‘Goodness, my nose is enormous,’ she exclaimed. ‘Why didn’t anyone tell me?’” – page 74

Okay that was funny, even though Jessamine is a bit of a bitch but she definitely has issues. That dollhouse scene was sad and a bit scary. I enjoyed the shopping scene mostly because Jessamine said that they were going to Hyde Park, and I went there on my trip to England.

Charlotte and Henry are my OTP, I absolutely adore them, Henry is so awkward and like a child while Charlotte is more motherly.

“‘No,’ Henry said. ‘I mean, I don’t think so—’ He glanced around the room, saw four pairs of eyes fixed on him, and sighed. ‘Charlotte doesn’t always tell me what she’s doing. You know that.’ He smiled a little painfully. ‘Can’t blame her, really. Can’t count on me to be sensible.’”-page 170

You previous baby, I adore you. Henry is probably my favorite character, I adore him. He’s described as to be big and awkward. I adore those characters.

I wish I’d read this closer to reading this to when I read The Mortal Instruments last year. These references seem familiar but I can’t completely remember them.

“De Quincey’s face twisted. ‘Equal? You don’t know what word means. You cannot let go of your own conviction, let go of your belief in your inherent superiority, for long enough to even consider what that would mean. Where are our seats on the Council? Where is our embassy in Idris?’” –page 254

Some things never change, do they?

Jem’s backstory is pretty sad, I wish my friend hadn’t prepared me for the sadness but it was still very powerful.

Oh and I’m sure that Jem, and Will would never, ever disregard the wishes of Clave and go into battle. And Mortmain is so smart that he’d know Jem and Will would leave.

What the hell, Nate? I can’t believe he’s such a traitor, I’m sure Mortmain is manipulating him. Probably some kind of mind control thing. Or maybe he’s just a dick, I don’t know. Fuck you Cassandra Clare for killing a precious puppy like Thomas, before he even got some from Sophie. You better not kill Henry or I swear. Also, yes, I’m sure you’re going to kill the main character in the first book. Yeah, that’ll happen.

While I did really enjoy this much better than The Mortal Instruments, it still suffers from the problem I have with the other series. I care more about the politics, hearing about the Clave and even the action more than a lot of the main relationships. Mostly the relationship between Will and Tessa. I could care less about finding out what’s wrong with Will, all I really care about is what Mortmain is planning.

I’m also not in love with Will like everyone else, he has some funny moments, especially with the Lightwoods. However, it’s kind of boring, angsty teenager. Well, it’s only one book.

Despite these problems, I still really enjoyed this book.