A review by planetarypan
Seducing an Angel by Mary Balogh


Two things that I really love about these books: 1) The characters are flawed with flawed, interesting backgrounds. 2) The way the author deals with violence against women, children, and animals. Balogh makes sure that everyone of importance condemns bullies and anyone who uses their fists before their brains, but she is also not afraid to have a character throw a punch if necessary. I also love this novel for the way the stories of the side characters play out. Most importantly, the heroine is amazing and OLDER than the hero for once. She's jaded and scarred but doing her best to take care of herself and those around her on her own. I guess I really don't have the right words for how much I admired her. And I also admired the hero for admitting to making mistakes and doing his best to make amends, take the higher road, and not give up. I think I actually may like this pair better than the last one, and I really liked them.