A review by the_coycaterpillar_reads
Followers by Christina Bergling


Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I really struggled to get through this one. Anyone that has followed me for any length of time knows that I love horror. However, there was just so much about this one that either didn't work for me or there were troubling tropes/ideas that were huge red flags.

The story is very slow to get going and nothing of real purpose happened until about 40% into the story. The protagonist is a single mother who loves horror and takes part in risky horror photoshoots. I lost all respect for the character when it was revealed that she cheated on her husband and that is the reason why her marriage broke down. So although she was the reason for it falling apart, the author paints a picture of how the ex-husband is a terrible individual and treats her badly. Maybe he is just reacting to what she put him through. I don't know it just seemed to have no necessary basis on whether the story went.

As stated before the protagonist got involved with these horror photoshoots and posts them online which brought her attention. She was also messaging several men online, this constituted a basis of just talking, sexting, and flirting. Many other individuals in her life warned her that she doesn't know who is on the other side of the screen - although this is strictly true, and we knew where and how this story was going to develop it just stunk of victim-blaming. So because she was modeling for those pictures and talking to men online she must just be opening herself up to these things happening.