A review by layla87
Have Mercy by Christina Lee


I recieved an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review..

4.5 Swoony Stars

Ms. Lee is an expert with swoony characters, but this book takes the cake...or maybe it takes the horse! You'll see how the title is directly linked to the MCs' storyline and how it complements it perfectly.

So you have a cowboy... yum! And an damaged veteran...double yum
They get together and what do you imagine happens? #swoonfest

What I loved about the book...

1. The MCs...
Julian, the veteran soldier, is back stateside after being the victim of a roadside bomb. He is struggling with PTSD, and feels adrift. So, who better to tether him than a cowboy? #RopeMeIn

Kerry, the hunk of a cowboy, is Julian's cousin's ex. He came out, got divorced but is still on good terms with his ex for the sake of their daughter. Kerry is quickly attracted to Julian, baggage and all. #ILoveAllOfYou

2. The Push and Pull....
As you can imagine, Kerry and Julian can't really be together because they are "technically" family. They try to fight their attraction hard!
Ahem...Pun totally intended...
Ultimately, they find solace and comfort in each other's arms. #HoldMeTight

3. The Romance...
The stolen kisses, the discreet looks and the borrowed time they're on all comes together to create a beautifully romantic backdrop to their relationship. They talk, they laugh, and they bond. Kerry is there for Julian and brings him back to the present when he's stuck in his memories. Julian on the other hand, is the motivation Kerry needs to live his life to the fullest. #ThereForYou

4. The Healing...
Using the setting of the book, the farm, as a paveway for Julian's healing and a way for Julian and Kerry to bond was stroke of genius. Not only does Julian start his therapy, but he also finds a bew friend in the process. #YouveGotAFriendInMe

5. The HEA...
*Le Sigh* I mean, those guys are just so romantic together and so swoony, even in their sexy times. Their epilogue didn't disappoint as well, and they get therir much deserved HEA. #TommorowIsJustTheBeginning

6. That Cover...
It totally fits the mood of the book and its characters. I mean, can we say #CoverLust?

The only niggle I had was that I wanted to see them further into the future,....maybe married.
And what about Hunter and Zee..... #IGotVibes
