A review by oohsarracuda
Sex and the Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer for the Buffy Fan by Lorna Jowett


I'm about 50 pages in and already wondering if I'm going to finish this one. I firmly reject two of the binaries the author laid out in the introduction, the first being that sex is either male or female. The high rate of intersex infants makes this patently untrue, and I would expect a gender studies academic to know better. Furthermore, the book so far is framed in terms of "feminist" vs. "femininity", which is an utterly false dichotomy.

Also, white people, could we stop using the word "ethnic" to describe anyone who isn't white? I agree with the author that "nonwhite" is problematic, but substituting "ethnic" is the opposite of a solution.

Edit: Well, I finished it, but I didn't like it (as evidenced by the two full weeks it took me to read it).