A review by loverofromance
Immoral by Maggie Cole


Immoral was a story that I really fell in love with pretty quickly. I will admit that going into this one, I was a bit nervous with it, as I wasn't sure what it would contain or if it would have the level of too much angst for me. The previous book "Toxic" we saw the built up of the relationship between these two and its was top angst. But I went it with this one and I absolutely adored every single moment of this one. Its different than what you would expect, but the set up of the story is what made me want to pick this one up more quicker than the others. I also really enjoyled that they way we get the serial plot building more. I really want these brothers to find a way to convince their dad what needs to happen for them moving forward. I do love seeing the O'Malley's involved still with this series and seeing the way that Maggie Cole has built up this world. I really enjoyed this romance in the story. Its probably one of my favorites that this author has written. I just love the whole marriage of convenience and we definitely see how much it is needed in this one. I also loved the way in which we see the manner in how the hero fights for the heroine. He makes mistakes for it, and is wanting to move forward, the heroine though is hurt and trying to get it good in their relationship again. I am not sure how I feel about the conflict with law enforcement to be honest, I am still on the fence, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the story and it won me over so quickly. I didn't want to put this one down and was such a fast read for me. If you are a fan of mafia love, then I can't recommend this one enough.