A review by ljbentley27
Lessons I've Learned by Davina McCall


Davina McCall has been a staple of British TV for my whole life and I have always liked her. She is enthusiastic, funny and shows herself to be. A caring and compassionate person too.

I read her autobiography Lessons I’ve Learned and got a glimpse of the lady behind the TV personality. She is so positive, honest and expressive. She doesn’t shy away, in fact she reveals all of the colourful aspects of her life. 

To say that McCall speaks with candour is an understatement. She discusses her past drug use, her difficult relationship with her mother and the heartbreaking details of her sisters final days. I will admit that I cried as Davina McAll talks about her sisters illness and the impact hat t had on her. It was utterly tear-jerking. 

If someone were to ask me if my opinion of Davina McCall has changed after reading Lessons I’ve Learned  then Would have to say not really. I already liked Davina. If anything her autobiography has endeared me to her much much more. I am so glad that I to know the person behind the personality. 

Lessons I’ve Learned by Davina McCall is available now.