A review by aspiralingreader
Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score



 Naomi moves to the smalltown Knockemout, only to unexpectedly find herself in the role of caretaker to a little child called Knox.

What is there of a 'plot' is telenovela-niveau, except less entertaining because book somehow tries to take itself seriously and noone gets amnesia.

Also the supposed love-interest is a millionaire, curtesy of the lottery. Yet, when Naomi works for him as servicestaff at his bar, he tells her 'she can’t have her life together as much as she claims, since he – as her boss – knows what she is earning'. So he is a millionaire, yet pays his staff a meager wage, having them rely on tips and still they happily put up with his temper tantrums. But book wants to sell me, that he cares so much about the town and does his darndest to make it a better place.

To end on a positive note, I believe Ms Score, when she claims in the epilogue, that her (respective: her friends’) experiences with grief informed parts of the book. I also think, the general set-up is not that bad. I only wished, she’d given her basic ideas to a competent ghostwriter. 

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