A review by thindbooks
Acquisition by Nana Malone


This is the second book in the series and the first book must be read in order to understand this book. This story picks up after the first one ended where Gwen is heartbroken after she is dumped. I enjoyed this book more than the first one as the story was much slower and well-formed. There’s more suspense to this story which I liked and a building to the previous conflict from book one. There is more drama and chaos in this book which was well written from the beginning to the middle. This book is told from both Gwen and Atticus’ pov. 
Gwen is heartbroken after she’s dumped but Atticus is back to steal her heart again. I liked her character as she’s such a sweetheart who wants love. I enjoyed seeing her develop throughout the story. Then we have Atticus who I didn’t enjoy in this book. I have to say that I didn’t like the decisions he made half of the time and if I was his gf I would leave him right away. He needed more of a character development which was lacking. We do have many side characters in this book and I liked Gwen’s sister and best friend who are so caring for her. The romance for this book was steamy with second chance romance. 
The ending was okay but it went way too fast compared to most of the book. I felt like too much happened that I didn’t fully grasp the information of what happened. Overall the book was great and I’m excited to see what Malone has in store for the next book in this series after the cliffhanger. I also hope we get more of Gwen’s sister and see her book, 
*this e-arc was sent to me by the author to give an honest review in return*