A review by katiegilley
Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder


So much happened in this book! This is set the year after The Longest Winter and their life was, thankfully, so much fuller than it was during that cold, dark winter. Laura got her first job in town, Mary finally got to go to college, the cruel Nellie Olsen moved to the prairie, the new teacher had a real vendetta against the Ingalls girls, Almanzo began spending time with Laura, and Laura got her teacher’s certificate a year earlier than she expected. Whew! The book ended with Laura getting a teaching job in another town, which means she is going to move away from home soon and I don’t know if I’ll be able to take it. I’m on the waitlist for the last two books in the series and should be able to finish soon. I’m so excited to see how the series ends, because I’ve never read these last 3.