A review by inkandinsights
Adventures in Stationery: A Journey Through Your Pencil Case by James Ward


This book gives that odd satisfaction of knowing where your favorite stationery comes from, not just physically but, in terms of history too.

I am that guy who still relies on pen and paper when I want to organize my thoughts. Writing keep me sane. So, I do have a sacred relationship with stationery.

I have always been curious about stationery, its purpose, how they come to be, and so on the backstory of these little things that help us accomplish big things. I chanced upon this book by sheer luck. The Universe certainly was listening to me.

I love how James has traced the long history of most stationery products we use in our daily lives. The research is commendable. The writing is witty and captivating. The book has only fanned my romanticism towards stationery making me want to hoard more of them.

A great read for anyone who is still using analog stationery in the digital era.