A review by bibliotequeish
The Book of Rain by Thomas Wharton


An odd phenomenon plagues the small mining town of River Meadows, people are losing time. Following a mining accident the town is evacuated and deemed unsafe and dubbed "the Park"

Three stories - Alex is looking for his sister Amery who entered the park and has not been heard from again.
Claire traffics endangered animals.
And the birds who want to save the humans (this part was completely lost on me)

So right off the bat, this book was not reminiscent of Station Eleven at all.
I found the story overly vague and was left with too many questions. We kind of know what has started this societal decline, but the full ramifications are not explained. While this may work for some people, I don't enjoy books like that. 
I felt as though the environmental message was lost in a confusing story, and in the end this was not an enjoyable read for me.