A review by 4kids4me
The Garden of Letters by Alyson Richman


2.5 stars for this one. It was going to be 3 stars but the ending ruined that. I liked the first half of the book but it went downhill quickly. The editing missed one glaring mistake...SPOILER ALERT.....the timing of events was totally off. Elodie and Luca's first kiss occurs in a chapter labeled Sept 1943, yet in October 1943, just weeks later, she is somehow 3 months pregnant? Not only that but she can feel the baby kick already? I've had four kids and there is no way you are feeling a baby kick at three months pregnant! The sudden romance b/w Elodie and Angelo, shortly after she has lost her first love, is just so far-fetched it ruined any appeal this book had for me. I really enjoyed The Lost Wife but this book was disappointing unfortunately.