A review by fermented
Zen Without Zen Masters by David Cherubim, Camden Benares


ZEN Without Zen Masters feels like it's by Robert Anton Wilson. The only clue that it might be by someone else is that it's a very short read. Four sections of jokes/koans - Guides & Lovable Fools, Personal Work, The Zen of Sex, and the Reality of Illusion, with a fifth section of meditations and exercises. Some joke-koans are parodies of other koans. Others feel like moments from a diary. Nothing earth-shattering here. If you want to read everything R.A.W. ever contributed to, or if you need to complete your Discordian pantheon, search out this book. If you're just looking for a book about Zen, this might not be for you. It's also not as anarchist or radical as the title implies.

Here's a page, so you know what you're getting into.


In Zen there is little emphasis on God or Buddha because the focus is on becoming one with your experiences. Anything that keeps distance between a person and his or her awareness of personal responsibility is a barrier to enlightenment. Even prayer can be a cop out. Or as George said, "Don't bother God. He's got his own problems - everything he makes dies."