A review by jashanac
The Crown Tower by Michael J. Sullivan


World of Elan -- 1,000ish years after the end of The Rise & Fall series. 3,000ish years after Legends of the First Empire. Cutthroat loner thief Royce and honorable highly-skilled soldier Hadrian are forced together by a mysterious and cryptic old professor who seems to have a larger plan for them. During this one-time-only mission they form a begrudging bond and respect for each other.

Duh, I will absolutely re-read this. It's MJS World of Elan.
I really enjoy MJS' writing style. Very much more straight-forward, not flowery, but I find that he has a knack for writing incredibly poignant lines and scenes that just hit me right in the soul.

Royce & Hadrian are so fun. I also liked getting so much more of Gwen here. Her backstory is so awesome. And Pickles!!!!! Pickles was so much fun.

This was actually a very quick read for me -- I read the first two chapters then set it down for like a week to focus on a different book I was in the middle of, and then once I picked this back up I read over 200 pages in one day. Which is very unlike me! It was paced really well for me.

Also of course, seeing the connections and having some of the answers to the questions that the book presents and that the characters have (which are left unanswered) was really fun.

Friendship. Morality. Doing what is right even when it is difficult. Perseverance. Resilience. Not giving up even in the face of immense odds.