A review by cdjdhj
My Friend Anna: The True Story of a Fake Heiress by Rachel DeLoache Williams


This book tells the story of "Fake German Heiress" Anna Sorkin Delvey, who has been convicted of conning several people and organizations of a lot of money. Her story has been made into a popular Netflix series, Inventing Anna. This book was written by Rachel, Anna's friend, who put down her personal and company American Express cards to pay for an extravagant hotel on a trip to Morocco in 2018, that Anna was supposed to pay for. Rachel was then instrumental in tracking Anna to the expensive, elite rehab facility, Passages in Malibu, California where she was finally arrested and brought to justice. The book was interesting, but tedious at times and read like the documentation Rachel compiled for prosecutors of Anna's fraud trial. There are pages and pages of text messages, which got a bit much at times. It was largely a repeat of what I had already watched in the Netflix series, and would be more interesting to someone with at least some knowledge of Anna Delvey and her case.