A review by scoutmomskf
Ignite on Contact by Jaci Burton


This was a terrific story of family ties, letting go of the past, and finding love when you least expect it. Rafe is a firefighter with a reputation of giving the ladies a fun time, but not getting too close. His relationships rarely last more than a few weeks. Even his brothers have noticed and call him on the superficiality of it. That begins to change when he ends up in the ER under the care of his neighbor Carmen. He's been attracted to her for a while, but she shows no interest in him.

Carmen's life is busy. She has her job as an ER nurse that keeps her on her toes. She also lives with her grandfather and has been caring for him since his stroke. She appreciates the help that Rafe has provided, and he's certainly easy on the eyes. But she isn't so sure that getting involved with him would be a smart thing to do.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Rafe and Carmen. Carmen avoids dating and men, having been burned by a cheating ex-husband and is not sure she can trust her heart or her judgment. I liked how her friend Tess gave her a bit of a nudge out of her safe little box and encouraged her to see where the sparks between her and Rafe might go. It was fun to see Carmen make the overtures when she took food to Rafe when he was on medical leave. Rafe is all-in when he realizes that Carmen returns his interest and also doesn't want anything serious.

Though they started out intending just to have fun together, it didn't take long for the lines to blur. The chemistry between them is strong, but they also find themselves just enjoying being together. Rafe knows about Carmen's divorce and realizes that it will take time for her to trust him. Though his reputation is that of a player, Rafe also has a caring nature. I loved watching the little things he did for her, from foot rubs to helping her around her house. Carmen doesn't quite know what to make of him because he is so different than her ex. As those differences start to break down her walls, Carmen finds herself growing closer to Rafe. Because their jobs are so similar, both she and Rafe understand the toll that it can sometimes take on them. There's a fantastic scene where Carmen helps Rafe through a traumatic event at work, something that emphasizes just how deep their feelings have grown.

Just as it looks like their future is assured, Carmen's grandfather experiences a medical crisis. Carmen is swamped with guilt and pulls back, leaving Rafe devastated. I ached for both of them as Carmen's fears come between them. I loved how Rafe's mom helped him see that he shouldn't give up on them. At the same time, Carmen's grandfather showed her that life is too short to let the past dictate the future. I loved the ending and seeing how Rafe shows Carmen that he's there for her no matter what happens.

I loved the importance of family to both Carmen and Rafe. Carmen's relationship with her grandfather is a close one. Her grandparents raised her after her mother died, and he is all the family she has. Carmen tends to be a little overprotective since his stroke which he has no trouble pushing back about. Rafe had a rough start to life with drug dealer parents. He, Jackson, and Kal met when they were homeless street kids, and were later rescued from a fire by Mr. Donovan. They were taken in and adopted by the Donovans. I loved seeing the closeness and love in the Donovan family. The three brothers are there for each other when needed. They also have a great time teasing each other about anything and everything. The guys will also drop everything if their parents need them for something.

Though this is the second book in the series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone. That said, I want to go back and read Jackson's story, as it sounds like a good one, too. I also look forward to Kal's story.