A review by literarypengwyns
Three Sides of a Heart: Stories about Love Triangles by Natalie C. Parker


3.875 Stars (62 out of a possible 80)

Definitely not what I wanted going into this anthology (I wanted legit love triangles, that drive everyone bonkers because they are ridiculous,it’s, but I love to hate them). This anthology bent the meaning of love triangle to so many different shapes. It was incredibly diverse, both with the cast of characters, and the types of genres. Every race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation was covered, as well as having a story for every type of person... from fantasy, to contemporary, to vampire, historic retelling. Some of the stories really captured my attention and some were just so dang boring. Overall I enjoyed these short stories of “love triangles” and would recommend this to anyone who likes anything revolving love of any kind.