A review by theunabridgedlifeofsalamacita
The Book of Moods: How I Turned My Worst Emotions Into My Best Life by Lauren Martin


This book is a must read for any female who has ever found herself bothered by seemingly "trivial" feelings and moods, and especially if those feelings are hard to let go of, or even more, elicit reactions.

The author taps into being female with all its glory including the biological and physiological differences that are manifested by the possession of that extra X chromosome. She explains why our biological makeup can make us more prone to feeling certain things more deeply and at times having a harder time letting go of things we want to let go of. She bravely showcases her entire life including all the moods she went through and how she learned to "overcome" them and prevent them from controlling her life.

While this book targets a female audience, I think anyone who has a special lady in their life, whether it be a significant other, a family member, or friend should read this book to gain clarity on what it means to be female and process things consistently on a profound level.

This book will allow the female reader to unapologetically claim her right to feel, and simultaneously learn how to let go of the not-so-glamorous feelings that at times turn into misinformed mental scenarios that can truly wreak havoc on the overall psyche and well-being.

Favorite Passage: "I think we all do that a bit. We've all reflexively denied our femaleness for fear all our thoughts, emotions, and feelings will be reduced to the label of hormonal woman. We refuse to admit we feel differently when we have our periods, because history has taught us that we won't be taken seriously. So we reject it. We vehemently deny it. And it's true that people will try to use it against us, but the people who do are the ones who don't understand it. If we understood ourselves, and were honest with ourselves, we'd know that the female body is a highly complex and incredible organism and, as a result, we will experience some side effects. It's our divine right."