A review by tabatha_shipley
The Lucky Diamond by Valinora Troy


What I Didn’t Like:
-One unanswered question. No spoilers, but I need this answer. Full disclosure: there’s a book 2 coming so I’m hoping it will come up then.
-Epilogue felt unnecessary. Then again, I’m weird and I like when a story resonates in my head and doesn’t need to be wrapped up with a bow for me. Most readers, especially middle grade readers who are enjoying this one, will probably like the epilogue.

What I Did Like:
-The characters. They’re adorable, they’re strong, and they’re smart. I liked reading about them as a group, I liked when they struck out on their own, and I liked when they paired off.
-The fantasy world is well created. I felt sucked right into it and completely able to follow along with this one. It gave me Narnia vibes, honestly.
-Magic. Well used, well explained, and fun!

Who Should Read This One:
-Middle grade fantasy fans, give this one a read. It’s FUN and well written.
-In general if you like middle grade stories with compelling characters, quests, and magic you’ll adore this one. Give it a try!

My Rating: 5 Stars. This is a GREAT story that a lot of people will really enjoy. Give it a read!