A review by stephen11
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin


The Fifth Season
Use-Castes?: Strongback, Resistant

Essun is an orogene, Resistant, dead son Uche, daughter Nassun. Husband Jija killed Uche. They lived in Tirimo

Doctor Lerna knows what Essun is.

2. Damaya is a Strongback. Resistants are resistant? to sickness and famine? Schaffa Guardian Warrent, takes Damaya, an orogene away from her home. Orogenes can divert (or diminish) shakes
3. Rask is the leader of Tirimo. He’s figured out that Essun is rogga(?). He’s an Innovator use-caste. Essun pretty much destroys Tirimo (in self defense?) while she was attacked trying to leave. She used her power, a strange cold inducing heat grabbing shaking event. Very odd. It caused many victims to totally frozen. It collapsed buildings. It altered and damaged the land beneath. The wells will dry up because the aquifer was diverted.

Syenite and Alabaster

Essun and Hoa

Little Damaya and Schaffa Guardian

The story picks up around page 125 or so.

Node maintainers are abused enslaved roggas.

Essun’s story must take place some time after Damaya’s because the Fulcrum must be destroyed in Essuns time. Damaya goes to train at the Fulcrum. When does Syen and Alabasters story happen? Before or way after? Must be before because they refer to the Fulcrum.

Binof Leadership Yumenes and Damaya discover the Socket.

Aha! Syenite is the rogga name that Damaya chooses for herself. So Damaya is Syen when she’s a child!

Is Essun an older Syen? Yes! Who was Uches father? Jija? Innon?Alabaster?

Tonkee is Binof grown up.

Dr. Lerna loves Essun. But they seemed resigned to being friends. Don’t forget daughter Nassun and Jija are out there.

So Corundum did die. Syen killed her (rather than have her suffer under the Guardians). Uche and Nassun were the children of Essun and Jija

Alabaster destroyed Yumenes with the power of the obelisks and the aid of the node maintainers, starting this Season. He wants Essuns help to ‘make it worse’. He asks if Essun has ever heard of something called a moon?

The end.