A review by nightreads
Depths of Salvation by Molly E. Lee


I honestly can't pick which of the 3 books in this series I like most. But there is not doubt that they just keep getting better! Who knew that a story about a preservationist and an underwater welder would be one of my favorites!
The dangers, rewards and excitement that this book and series embodies is amazing! The jobs that the main characters pursue and live are so awesome and it just adds to allure of the book.
Sadie and Connell were perfect for each other! Sadie was an amazing heroine. She stood up and fought for what she believed in and add in the things she would do for those she loves is really admirable. Connell was just as awesome. I'm really happy with how the story unfolded and how both of them were there for each other.
Overall, this was yet another amazing and well-written story by Molly. There is no doubt that she's created some really interesting worlds and characters and will continue to do so! I can't wait to read more and one day I hope to have as much passion as these characters do for their jobs. : )