A review by mediumsquare
Letters from Burma by Aung San Suu Kyi


It's difficult to judge a political book on its merits when news of Burma's treatment of the Rohinga peoples continues to confuse those of us who might have supposed that Suu Kyi wouldn't stand for this humanitarian crisis. The question lingered in the back of my mind throughout the book - when she talks about her people, the Burmese people, for whom she suffered indignities and separation from family - is she excluding that group? Why does she remain silent now?

Despite these reservations, her writing style is fluid and nicely depicts life in Burma with its festivals and traditions. The driving current of these letters, however, is very much the mistreatment of her party and supporters at the hands of the reigning SLORC. The meaning of her steadfast words, while true for the Buddhist Burmese, do ring a bit hollow these days.