A review by mjfmjfmjf
Nexus by Ramez Naam


This is a book I was reading for the Endeavour Award and by multiple recommendations. For the Endeavour Award I see a snag - since it has a 2012 publishing date, luckily this is not my call but I pointed it out reluctantly because this would have been one of my top picks in 2012 if it had appeared then.

Okay so far of all I found this book flawed - especially in the first half. Its flow was off, the writing in general felt choppy and the ideas were too strongly stated - and all of this got in the way of enjoying the book. But oh the ideas! But the ending was strong and believable. And I was sold on pretty much all the characters actions and motivations.

I'm getting used to seeing the US government as a bad guy - though in this one not the only one. And it doesn't make me happy that it looks more and more believable and less and less of a stretch.

The Nexus OS for the brain - oh wow. As a software guy, all of this rang true - though it may make the book somewhat less accessible for the general audience.

But in general the idea of what it looks like to augment and update your brain rang true and seemed reasonable - something I have trouble with in many books.

Oh yeah, the opening "sex" scene may be a little hard to take for some and doesn't really repeat.