A review by starness
These Violent Delights by Victoria Namkung


I found this book incredibly topical with all that’s been going on in the media at the moment. It’s staggering how many women will quietly relate to issues within this book. The prevalence of sexual assault and abuse is sadly all too common so books like these are incredibly important and relevant. I raced through this book, I enjoyed the fact that it was straight to the point, it’s not glossy or full of filler. It did feel less like a novel than an investigative journalistic piece though which did not deter me at all. Although some parts felt slightly rushed and incomplete. Still I was fully invested in this story and the characters. This book shows the lasting effects of abuse how devastating the impact whether the actions are considered big or small, the subtle forms of abuse can be just as damaging and how it can change someone’s life so profoundly, it made me feel intense emotions for all the women in this book. Also showing how the impact is different for every individual and no victim is cut from the same mould as another victim. The banding together and the support of the women towards each other was such a appealing part of why this book worked so well for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and Griffith Moon Publishing for my advance review copy.