A review by mojochan
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


Obsession, social class, inequality, revenge, violence - these words can kind of conclude the summary of this novel.

I hated how this book single-handedly put me in a reading slump for almost 2 months! I had high hopes for this one due to the hype over the "Catherine-Heathcliff, best couple" fanbase and the Gothic theme of the novel. But unfortunately, I have to join the Hate Club for this one.

Some people feel the plot was a bit too much for them, and some couldn't handle the emotional rollercoaster it had, but my main issue with the book was the storytelling and narration. A mere servant who I know spent her whole life with the characters and stuff narrating the story didn't settle well for me. With such a dialogue-heavy storyline, I didn't feel it did justice to the story about characters who go through such big transformations. This third-person storytelling made the story look exaggerated and not precise.

Talking about the good parts of the book, the characters and their development over the years were actually beautifully put out. Bronte actually did a good job of portraying the complexities of their nature very well. Also, we cannot forget how unique this plot is. The mix bag of human emotions and nature was balanced out decently too.

I guess this will be a bit controversial to say, but unpopular opinion in the end: Charlotte was the better one among the two.