A review by amcriah
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas


THE PLOT, ROMANCE, FOUND FAMILY!! IT WAS SO GOOD. the romance was definitely my favorite part and sarah j mass did it SO WELL. it was the best slow burn ever. it's not even funny because every time I reread one of their scenes I get so giddy.

my personal experience reading this would be a three stars because I went into it with so many spoilers that made the ending not so surprising to me. but because I know this is such a well-done book, I'm giving it four stars. It would've probably been my favorite series ever if I'd known nothing, but with a fandom this big, that's almost impossible. what I would give to have gone into the Acotar series knowing absolutely nothing.

I completely understand why Rhys is so well-loved in the fandom. THE LEVEL OF DEVOTION HE HAS FOR THE PEOPLE HE LOVES... It's insane that he's so obsessed with doing everything he possibly can to make sure his loved ones are safe and happy. we love it.

I LOVED Rhys and Feyre's chemistry. They complement each other so well. Their bond can't even be put into words, but let me just emphasize the fact that I loved their romance. I would literally go to bed thinking about this book, wake up thinking about this book, and DREAM ABOUT THIS BOOK. I also remember this one night when I fell asleep and felt depressed about my own life because I don't know if I'll ever find a love as powerful and all-consuming as rhys and feyres. all I could think throughout every precious moment they had was "They're soulmates". because they are. Isn't it funny that their love is so well written that I felt jealous? that's how pathetic my life is.

now, I have conflicting emotions regarding Tamlin... like, I know he's delusional. I also felt so betrayed and horrified that he stooped to the level of craziness he did. he completely fucked everyone over with no remorse. but... If I'm being honest, I'm still kind of holding onto who he'd been in the first book. THROUGHOUT THIS BOOK I HOPED HE WOULD HAVE A REDEMPTION ARC!! it's just that after seeing the character he's capable of being in the first book, It's hard for me to let go of that version of him. but obviously, he needs to be held accountable for all the pain he's caused.

overall… this book was such a rollercoatser of emotions. I was obsessed with rhys and feyre, I loved the inner circle, I felt bad for tamlin (despite everything he’s done), I MISSED LUCIEN, and I almost missed how it used to be. obviously I don’t think feyre should’ve stayed at the spring court when she was so unhappy but I LOVED the first book. I miss the simplicity of it all, how everything was really falling into place and I loved the dynamic between lucien, tamlin, and feyre. they were a really good trio. and I can’t help but feel bad for tamlin because I’m clinging to who he was in the first book. how could sjm make me love the first love interest, shift me so fast into this new world (the night court, no more lucien, etc.) and expect me not to feel anything? not to miss the way that things were just a little bit? so yeah, throughout majority of this book I felt a little sad. BUT DONT GET ME WRONG, IM ON TEAM RHYS FOR FEYRE!! they work a lot better together than feyre and tamlin ever did (I just liked his character so much).