A review by ellelainey
Forever Hold His Peace by Rebecca Cohen


** This review is copied word-for-word from my review of The Crofton Chronicles bundle. **

Book 3: Forever Hold His Peace
Length: 46-70%
POV: 3rd person, one character (Sebastian), with an epilogue by another character
Star rating: ★★★★★

Oh. My. God. I swear, if this had been the last ever, I wouldn't have been disappointed. Not since I'm now going to go and buy the paperbacks of all these books so I can re-read them over and over and over again. But the fact that there is one more, even if it's contemporary, is just so, so exciting!

Once again, the drama was so perfectly plotted to keep the story moving along, without being overbearing or leaving the story without any happening.

I loved the idea of plotting a lesbian-aided quintuplet of convenience, for if they were able to survive the claims of Bronwyn being a witch. Amongst that, the storyline of Haven and Bronwyn making a rare visit, while Sebastian contemplated a potential return to the theatre, were all equally interesting plots and twists within the storyline. Each one held it's ground, did it's best to move the story forward while showing how Anthony and Sebastian dealt with each incident. And I loved that each of them related, even indirectly, to incidents and events that had taken place in previous books.

Again, the host of characters changed just enough to provide new, intriguing cast members, while retaining those who were important. The addition of William's tutor, Samuel, and the two plotters were great additions that showed us more of Anthony and Sebastian and how they came across to outsiders, while also providing relevant people to take care of relevant issues.

I cried. A lot. When Miriam and Sebastian said goodbye, Sebastian's difficulty in dealing with the loss of Lady Crofton, during the entire Epilogue and so many times it's unreal.

I can't say much more without giving too much away, but it was brilliant and the perfect end to the historical part of the story. I loved that the Epilogue showed up William as a grown man, trying to guide his grandson to the truth of just what Anthony and Sebastian had shared, but it killed me to hear about their end days and all that had happened. Killed me!


Favourite Quote

“Sometimes even the most wicked of tongues speak the truth.”

““Samuel Jenster is a villain and a thief, but there are few men 'd rather have on my side during a fight.”
“It sounds like there's a story in there,” said Sebastian.
“Didn't he tell you how we met? About how he came to my aid when someone pulled a knife on me in Southwark?”
Sebastian shook his head. “No. But he told me to let you know that if you need him to get you a body, it'll be no trouble.”
“As if I'd ask anyone else.””
