A review by mehsi
Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass by Mariko Tamaki


OMG, Squeeeee! Haaarrrrlleey!

I will try to write a review, sorry if it is a bit chaotic.

I am a GIANT fan of Harley Quinn, there are a lot of stories about, lots of origin stories. Ones she was normal until the Joker popped up, ones in which she was batshit from the start, ones she was mostly normal/still crazy inside. I am always impressed with what things people come up with. I love how in some stories Harley loves Joker (and I guess he her), in some stories (as this one) she is unsure and hates him, in some stories they band together but nothing more.

My girl Harley is back and kickass in this new story about her. This time she is a teen who has moved to Gotham City to live with her Grandma, but finds out her grandma died. She can stay in the home as her grandma paid the rent for the apartment. Harley is now under the care of a drag queen named Mama.
And in this one though she is pretty bonkers, in the way she walks and talks, in the way she thinks. I have to say at times I was a tad annoyed with her, because it made her look like she was way younger than she actually is. But with each passing page I did see a kick-ass and intelligent girl who is caring and sweet beneath the whole bonkerness. Though don't cross her or the ones she cares about because this Harley will seriously set your motorcycle in flames if you dare to say crap.

We see her daily life at school, meet Ivy (EEEEEPPP!), see them become friends though they are so very different. Ivy is serious, Harley likes to mostly play around, but still these two have an intense bond and I was delighted. I was definitely hoping for a bit more, as I have seen enough Harley x Ivy art wandering around. ;) I also loved seeing the drag queens and the evenings that Harley spends with them.

I was delighted that we also saw some of her past. See her mom, see how Harley got in trouble A LOT of time, and yet her mom was seemingly always patient with her.

I loved seeing her pick up a baseball bat (in lieu of a sword and a crusade) and try to fix things. It is here that she meets with Joker. A guy who is proclaiming that he has big plans to bring down the corporations. Especially Kane. I loved this Joker. Really. He was brutal, mean, he had all the makings of a Joker. However, I knew right from the bat who this guy was. Who was hiding behind the mask. I am not sure if it was meant to be this simple or not, but it was a bit of a shame. I had hoped for a bit more mystery about him.

Things escalate as the story continues and we see Harley get more desperate and more willing to kick some serious corporate butt. Or well, I am not sure if she even knows what Joker's plans are, but she hears fire and destruction and I guess that is enough for her.

The ending was just HOLY crap wow, though I did feel sorry for Harley. Poor girl. Then again, with her records it wasn't a surprise, and it shouldn't be a surprise for her. But this is Harley Quinn, so I had quite a big grin at seeing what she was up to in that place. And what she did afterwards, oh my, this girl is on a mission. Joker run, run so so hard, because Harley will find you.
And there is someone that pops up near the end. Someone who has, from what I am guessing, been watching Harley for some time. Oh my.

Oh, and I love how Harley at times breaks fourth wall. That is something that I adore about her, and something I have seen happen in other stories about her as well (like DC Superhero Girls).

The art. OMG the art, it was just WOW and STUNNING and OMG and HOLY CRAP. And yes, all these words need to be in capslock because it is just that AMAZING. I loved seeing Harley in this art. I loved seeing the other characters. The backgrounds. WOW.

I read this one in ebook but I am so going to be buying the paperback as well as I need this one on my shelves. Highly recommended.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/