A review by adamborst
The Advent of Winter by Dom McDermott

Through 4 stories, in each of these stories, A) I'm left wanting to know more about the world, lore, and characters which I intend to be a massive compliment to all these authors, and B) all the endings land well. I know page/word count limits what can be done, but I've been brought into the story every time so far.

** Update: 4 more stories down (8 total) now and I am still shocked at the quality of what I'm reading. Thorough enjoyment continues! **

The Patchskin Woman (1) ([a:Cal Black|1078317|Cal Black|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]) - 4 stars; I wasn't sure what to expect, but this is a great book to start an advent calendar of short stories. I felt like we were heading toward deep darkness but it ended in a way that I appreciated.

Rite of the Tundra (2) ([a:Jim Wilbourne|21779177|Jim Wilbourne|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1631962425p2/21779177.jpg]) - 3 stars; I'm not sure if it fills into the broader series or shares characters, but this was solid. A rapid coming of age for the main character that I could feel the struggle.

Innocence Lost (3) ([a:H.C. Newell|21446801|H.C. Newell|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1645752726p2/21446801.jpg]) - 5 stars; The writing is superb, makes me want to jump into her other books right now. As a father, this lost child plot was very understandable. Fantastic entry into this collection.

Frosted Embers (4) ([a:L.L. MacRae|20896392|L.L. MacRae|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1619515053p2/20896392.jpg]) - 5 stars; I can't put my finger on it, but this was definitively the most fun story of the first 4 for me. Loved it. A heist plot with a fair bit of action and main character with reason behind the heist and some tragedy. I would read this full novel or series if it existed.

Frozen Hell (5) ([a:Karim Soliman|15055762|Karim Soliman|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1637904741p2/15055762.jpg]) - 4 stars; A mythology, Egyptian, that I'm unfamiliar with, but I really loved the familial interaction here as well as the interactions with non-family characters. I would have liked a little more explanation of the world, but in such a short format, it's going to be hard to cram in all that detail.

Soulshard (6) ([a:Thiago Abdalla|22128022|Thiago Abdalla|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1654700074p2/22128022.jpg]) - 5 stars; Oh man, this felt like a full story in all aspects. I felt fully enveloped in this world and clearly understood a few character's points of view and motivations. The school-esque group in the background, the practical magic / skill development that is alluded to. The ending, right in the feels. I've already got kindle versions of Abdalla's main novels, but will 100% be getting the physical copies now.

Blood Fire (7) ([a:Palmer Pickering|18948616|Palmer Pickering|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1553836054p2/18948616.jpg]) - 5 stars; Very cool magic in this book and coupled with an inquisition-style scenario. We should all understand what I believe is a major theme here: you do not mess with a Mom with kids. Just...don't...do...it. I hope Pickering comes back to this world at some point in her career, I'm here for it.

Cold River for Souls (8) ([a:Tori Tecken|20841576|Tori Tecken|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1661991106p2/20841576.jpg]) - 5 stars; A bit different tone from the prior stories where our main character seems a little uncertain/hesitant/timid about their place in the world. That aspect coupled with the practicality of the magic usage instead of flash/bang wizardry makes this feel down-to-earth. The ending moved this from around 3.5 stars to 5 stars because it was unexpected and, for me, could be a massive springboard for a full novel or series. I've already got or ordered Tecken's other books, so I know I'm in good hands.