A review by ssindc
Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon & Groot Steal The Galaxy by Dan Abnett


Fast, fun, light, silly ... and true to form. Perfect airplane (or travel) reading or a nice break from from a diet of literary fiction, serious non-fiction, or even though-provoking and heavy sci-fi.

OK, no hiding the ball here: this one isn't for everyone. But ... but ... if you're a comic book reader, if you're a Stan Lee-and-Marvel reader, if you lean towards the second-tier, less conventional, somewhat more than off beat side of things, or if you got sucked into to either of the big screen (surprisingly engaging and successful) Guardians of the Galaxy movies, well, you just might want to give it a try.

Granted, there are plenty of folks who want their comic books (or graphic novels) to stay in their intended form, large pages packaged with a central staple and populated with sequential panels full of drawings and speech bubbles.... But if the format is just another medium to you, and you enjoy the story-lines and the characters and the banter and the action and not-terribly-ordinary suspension of disbelief that comes with superhero lore, well, why not give it a try?

At the end of the day, there's a lot more action here than humor (although there's enough to keep it light), and there's far more momentum than common sense (but, let's not lose sight of the fact that it's a novelization of a comic book). But, if you know what you're getting yourself into, well, ... it works.