A review by renaes01
Beautiful Nightmares by K.J. Sutton


My god this book is amazing. This series is still unmatched. The angst and tension, the plot and the found family is so brilliantly done. I remembered that Laurie was in this book a lot and I loved to see it. He’s just beautiful. By the end I feel like I almost fully forgave Collith. He’s been through a lot of shit. I loved Ollie in this book! I feel like I have a new appreciation for him because he’s the only one that hasn’t disappointed Fortuna. I still love my boys though. I still have no idea what the fuck he is. My favourite character will always be Fortuna though. I new the Devil was coming but I completely forgot how brutal that cliffhanger is! I’m glad I have a book to read after that now! I’m so excited but so so scared.

Original Review
This book was fucking amazing and I can’t cope with the fact that I have to wait until next year for the next one. A series hasn’t excited me like this in years, probably since TOG.

Each book in this series gets better and better and this book was a thick bitch but I flew through it. This book was angsty, emotional and had amazing sexual tension, friendships, action, funny moments and plot. It has so many twists and turns but also slower moments that were amazing.

We have many new characters in this book but first of all I am still in love with Fortuna Sworn. She has to endure so much pain and you she still continues to fight, and to be selfless and protect those she loves. She has such an amazing family that she has built which she would do anything for and I am so glad she receives so much love in return which she absolutely deserves. Seeing how far she has come since the first book is insane. In every book she learns to make intelligent decisions that are less rash but you see her becoming more scared of her power and of becoming a monster. She deserves the world but the poor thing can’t catch a break.

LAURELIS DONDARTE. OMG THIS MAN. I was so hoping to see more of him in this book and I definitely got my wish. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Laurie is always there for Fortuna. I literally died when he saved her and they stayed together for a while. He is cheeky, wicked and cunning but also so caring towards Fortuna (even though he tries to hide it) and we see him open up in this book. He is always making her feel safe and protected. The sexual tension between them in this book was fucking amazing. When Laurie left her room and then came back two seconds later to kiss her! And when they had sex for the first time and he asked if she was okay because he knew she had flashbacks!! And then they proceeded to have sex multiple times!!!! I just can’t get over their chemistry!! I understand why Fortuna was trying to not vcontinue what they have between them despite her obviously loving him and I was so sad that he told her she wouldn’t see him for a while and was going for the throne.

I constantly go back and forth between my feelings for Collith. Sometimes I don’t like him and sometimes I do and he surprisingly grew on me in this book even though he wasn’t there for a lot of it. I loved his grovelling and hope he does more but you can tell he genuinely loves her. He also became vulnerable for her for the first time by letting her in and I thought that was really brave of him. He is no where near perfect but neither is any other character. Fortuna still loves him too and when she showed him the vision of their baby I died inside. Speaking of baby I can’t believe there was a pregnancy scare and Collith was so lovely about it and I felt so bad for Fortuna when she was disappointed she wasn’t. I don’t want her to have a baby now but I think she would make a great mumma bear.

Ollie was amazing in this book. He is so sweet and gentle but he is becoming tougher and he knows what he wants now. He just wants to be real so he can be with fortuna so bad its so sad. I understand why he would get a little mad when she didn’t say I love you back because he just adores her so much and he would be so frustrated he couldn’t be with her but he even said in the book that he felt bad for trying to force her. I just love how protective he and there were so many moments in this book where me made her feel safe when she hadn’t in a long time. I love that he helped her to relive painful memories and saved her life several times.

I don’t want to bloody choose between these men because they are all so different and they give something different to Fortuna. I wouldn’t mind a RH or throuple but Collith and Laurie but if it comes down to it I would choose Laurie…

Finn is seriously such an amazing character. His loyalty and devotion to Fortuna is just beautiful and they have such an sweet relationship with amazing chemistry. This poor man also can’t catch a break. I can’t believe that Finn started with being tortured again and then ended up being possessed by a fucking demon which nearly killed him!! But like Fortuna he still continues on. He is so strong and he is still dealing with the trauma of not being able to save his daughter.

I also love Gil. He is such a funny character and I love his loyalty to Fortuna as well.

I loved that was saw Gwyn again and that they even made out and Fortuna tricked her!! And she admired her for it lol!

Can we talking about the fucking ending. Like OMFG. She has literally been hunted by Lucifer!?!?! I may be jumping the gun but I fucking love him already and I want him to be another potential love interest…(don’t judge me).