A review by jen286
Prison Nation by Jenni Merritt


This book started off and I loved it. I loved the whole first part of the book (though I thought it was odd that Carl just shows up suddenly...why didn't he get transfered sooner?). I was hoping it would continue being great once Millie got out, but unfortunately it just wasn't. Everything was so easy and happened so quickly. I felt no chemistry between Millie and Reed and everything was just like sudden.
SpoilerLike all of a sudden she decides to learn what really happened to her parents. Then suddenly she see Maria get thrown in jail and so then suddenly they need to escape!!! I mean okay so Reed and Eddie were planning on one day escaping, so do they have a plan? No. No plan. They just start driving. Okay...how are they planning this again? So obviously when Jude gave Millie the key to the wall that is what was going to happen, but I don't understand what the plan was after that. So they finally they make it to the wall and go through the door...and I am not sure what they were going to do then. I mean they decide to go back and Reed says something like they have to help people, if they only show people how to get out that is fine but they have to do something. Okay what are they going to do once they go through this door in the wall? They are stuck on this beach that is no where close to anything. So now they are stuck on a beach with nothing Perfect plan. I just don't understand what would have happened next and it was such a disappointment.