A review by vikingwolf
License to Ensorcell by Katharine Kerr


There was a lot to like about this book. Firstly I actually liked the MC Nola...hurrah! I read so many UF books around this time where the female MC was a butt pain so I was pleased to like her. She is tough, has her vulnerable side and is a character that you can like and care about. Points to the author for that. Her complex relationship with food was interesting and added more to her personality, along with issues from her past. She was interesting and I looked forward to seeing her story.

I found Ari to be a bit annoying, the way he goes so alpha male and tries to control Nola. He was not what I like in a male hero and I wasn't convinced by the relationship between him and Nola. For me, it just didn't work and Nola needed someone more patient and understanding in her life. I don't like all the angst between the two MCs and it did bring the book down a bit for me.

The plot was interesting and there were some good elements in the world building but the book just lacked that 'something' to make it stand out for me. While I finished it and thought it was a decent read, I wouldn't read more in the series or anything else by the author.