A review by kathydavie
Untraceable by Laura Griffin


First in the Tracers suspense series.

The Story

Alex Lovell is furious. A woman she had helped to escape an abusive husband has come back to town and is now missing. Asking Nathan Devereaux, a local cop, for help seems to have been a mistake. After all, her main suspect is Melanie's husband, a fellow cop.

And then Troy Stockton, an old boyfriend and true crime writer, steps in to introduce her to the Delphi Center, a lab with state-of-the-art equipment who could user her incredible computer skills.

The Characters
Alex Lovell is a private investigator who gets easily bored with staying in the same place for too long. She met Nathan Devereaux, a police detective, when a man involved in one of her cases broke into her office and beat her badly.

I suspect the following will be showing up in future installments: Troy Stockton, a true crime writer with a hit film based on one of his books and lots and lots of contacts in the law enforcement community and a real hard-on for the ladies; John Holt, a Texas Ranger; Mia Voss, a forensic scientist at the Delphi Center.

My Take
Alex kind of irritates me. With very little actual proof, she is absolutely determined to see Craig Congan as the bad guy and she simply accepts what her clients tell her as absolute proof. She never really investigates what they tell her. Then she gets all pissy when no one will accept her unprovable word as absolute fact. Arghh!

That said, the story itself was riveting and the methods Alex used to lay a false trail to hide Melanie's whereabouts was quite intriguing.

The Cover
The cover is very pretty. I really like how they managed the impression of rain streaming down as though it were the windshield of a car. The image the rain distorts is a fuzzy landscape with forests on either side of a wide-banked stream meandering back into the landscape.

The title is apt as Alex did her best to make Melanie Congan's disappearance Untraceable.