A review by booksuperpower
The Earl's Inconvenient Wife by Julia Justiss


The Earl’s Inconvenient Wife by Julia Justiss is a 2019 Harlequin Historical publication.

A lovely and tender' friends to lovers' story-

Temperance is happy her twin sister has found her true love and a husband. But that is not the life for her. No, Temperance wants desperately to defy conventions and become a world traveler. Her father, however, will not release her dowry until she has gone through with at least one ‘season’.

Due to her mother's scandalous reputation, easing Temper into society might prove tricky. Coming to her rescue is an old friend of her brother’s, Gifford Newell.

Gifford enlists the help of the influential Lady Sayleford to sponsor Temperance. She agrees, but with one stipulation-

Gifford must attend all the various dances and functions with Temperance to protect her from any backlash.

Neither Gifford or Temperance is happy about this arrangement. Why? Because as of late, there has been a little noticeable, if unspoken, shift in the way they feel about one another. Being forced together at social events would only increase the palpable tension between them.

Never in their wildest dreams would they have imagined those uneasy social engagements would lead to a forced marriage!

While I loved the first book in this series, I’m afraid Temperance and Gifford may have given Prudence and Johnnie a run for their money in this second installment of the ‘Scandalous Sisters’ series.

This is a charming story, which features two very likeable main characters, both of whom are under pressure to marry. Yet, they fight off the prospect of marriage as hard as they fight their attraction to one another. It was so much fun watching them fall in love, but there are a few darker tones in the story, as well.

A diabolical and spiteful plot is afoot which could force Temperance and Gifford to give up everything they hold dear. No only that, Temperance is harboring a painful secret, another reason why she would rather travel abroad and avoid marriage at all costs.

Justiss did a fantastic job with the construction of this novel. The character development and emotional depth are outstanding, as are the cleverly written plot twists. The pacing is very balanced, keeping the reader entertained from start to finish.

As always, the author stays true to the time period, and as always, I send my deepest thanks to JJ for sticking to a format so many have abandoned. Finding a pure Regency is not always easy.

However, readers should be aware this story is more than a ‘friends to lovers’ romance. However, the serious topics do not damper the lighter tones expected in a Regency romance. The idea that women were not as free to travel and see the world is also a stark reminder of the restrictions women were forced to adhere to, with little or no wiggle room.

Although Temperance’s life may have suddenly veered away from the path, she had so determinedly marched towards, with her delightfully unexpected happily ever after, she and her unburdened soul can now find peace and contentment no matter where she lands.