A review by chelseydagner
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


Okay, first of all, let me just say that I loved the concept of this book. I loved the combination of old film technology and parapsychology. The premise was full of promise.

But this book bored me to tears. Each chapter felt like a repeat of the one before. Character comes in. Character makes breakfast. Other character comes in. Characters talk to each other about what is going.

And the few measly bits of action and horror were so damn short, I felt like I blinked and they were over. A man got his throat slashed open via a magical curse and it could have been such a horrific and bloody scene. Opportunity missed.

Basically chuck in one more semi-actiony scene and that's it. The rest is made up of two bitter people talking to each other.

Also, am I really expected to believe that said bitter people suddenly woke up one day and discovered that LoVe WaS tHeRe AlL aLoNg? Tristan and Montserrat seem to annoy the utter shit out of each other for 99% of the book. Yet I'm expected to believe they somehow fall in love at the end?

I wish they had taken each other and themselves out in some magical murder-suicide ritual at the end. Totally would have saved this book in my opinion.