A review by calila
Floodgates by Mary Calmes


This is a pretty great read. I really loved Tracy and Cord together. Totally bought into their chemistry and push/pull/snark/love/hate dynamic. Though Tracy annoyed me frequently at the beginning, probably the first 40-50%, He gets better in the second half. Breckin was just a colossal asshat, and I didn't like that
him trying to hit Tracy
, he was already such a jerk that that was unnecessary and over the top a bit. I feel bad that Whats-Her-Face ended up stuck with him. There was a lot that was just weird with this plot wise, the mystery was going okay until the resolution which was horrible and bungled.
Don't introduce the Big Bad at 80%(ish, can't remember exactly) with ZERO build up, or hints or ANYTHING. It became so obvious it was him with the big sob story.
I spent most of the book thinking it was the one guy mentioned but never seen, and nope, he wasn't even an issue. Bleh. But still....Tracy/Cord make it work. It's worth reading just for them. Cord especially. He was AMAZING.