A review by pn_hinton
The Hate Project by Kris Ripper


I received a free e-ARC for an honest review

This was a fairly enjoyable story. I enjoyed that both of them were grumpy as opposed to the typical combination of one being grumpy and one being sunshine. These two men were just cranky and what had initially started out as a "Frenemies with Benefits" grew first to a employer/employee relationship and then more. It was a slow burn in that regard since they had sex fairly early on and I did appreciate that sot of relationship in reverse approach.

That said there were some moments where seeing thing from Oscar's point of view became tedious. I understand that he had anxiety and he admitted that honestly throughout his narration and, from my limited knowledge of that, it seemed accurate enough. Still, there were a few moments that left you feeling frustrated, even with knowing that. It would have been nice to see things from Jack's point of view occasionally, even if it was every few chapters or so.

I did appreciate how their friends didn't expect Oscar to be fixed or okay. In fact, they were present and supportive without being overly smothering. And they did respect his wishes when he wanted to be left alone, and periodically checked in on him just to make sure he was okay. It was also nice to see how, even when he was being super grumpy, you could see when Jack was supportive of him and the progress he made with his anxiety.

This was an HFN ending, which honestly seemed more realistic based on how the story started. They were still happy with each other and the way their relationship worked, and their friends were supportive. of it. I would recommend this book if you're looking for a M/M with two grumps that ends realistically. It's not what I would call a warm hug but it is still a sweet book.
