A review by readercecc6
Hollywood Scandals by Gemma Halliday


1 star

I'm not entirely sure what genre this was supposed to be. It lacked the romance needed for Romantic Suspense, was too light and fluffy to be Suspense/Thriller, and once again, lacked the chemistry and romance between the H/h to be a Contemporary Romance. I would just toss it into the generalized Chick Lit section but then again I don't know any females who would enjoy reading an entire book starring an unethical (lies through her teeth in her daily gossip column), immoral (traded porn mags for gossip with a man on trial for possession of child pornography), TSTL (insists on solving the case on her own when shes proven over and over again to be unqualified and frankly, stupid) heroine who ends up getting the guy when there was zero chemistry between them and after he finds out just exactly how unscrupulous she is. Her only redeeming quality is her love for her octogenarian aunt.

Tina Bender isn't just a regular old gossip columnist - she's the best one in LA. What does that mean? Well, imagine every unflattering thought you've ever had about the paparazzi, gossip rags, online gossip sites, reporters etc., combine and build a human being out of them and you'd have the heroine of this story, Tina Bender. She considers herself a spin doctor of sorts - tell her the Earth is round and she'll twist your words and quote you as having said that all your friends are bottom feeders and that the world needs less round people or something equally malicious and damaging. She's just going about her day, ruining lives, tarnishing reputations, when surprise! (not!) she receives a death threat ordering her to stop her lies immediately. Tina's made up so many lies about people (daily column) that the suspect list is in the hundreds. Even after she narrowed the list down to people she's repeatedly slandered in the last few days alone, she has four suspects (not including their family, friends, fans, publicist, manager etc). Her boss finds out and hires her a body guard, whom she repeatedly insults to his face and behind his back, and she begrudgingly allows him to protect her while she attempts to uncover the identity of the person threatening her. Long story short, Tina manages to solve two cases (pure luck on top of the fact that the LAPD in this book are incompetent morons). The rest of the story is about how she stumbles and lies her way through interviewing suspects, her zany great aunt Sue, a murder, an online admirer, adventures in Disneyland, and her laughable attempts at seducing her bodyguard.

I knew I should've tossed this into the DNF pile when I fell asleep reading it for the second time.