A review by secret_librarian
Oblivious by Leslie McAdam


Rating: 4
Steam: 3
PoV: dual, 1st person
MM | friends to lovers | coworkers | found family

This was exactly what I needed when I picked it up - a sweet and fun read!

Noah and August were really sweet and a little clueless about each other, and it made for an entertaining read. I liked seeing how they built a relationship from their friendship, and while they were definitely total goofballs at time, it was clear how much they both meant to each other.

I have to admit the story felt a little OTT at times, but I still enjoyed it and I don't think anything less would have suited these two characters. It was sweet how they'd been friends for so long without realising how they really felt for each other, while everyone else around them figured it out a long time ago. I liked the proposal bit where August kept trying to convince Noah that his feelings were real, I think they both needed the time to process in their own way and connect as a couple.

I had a lot of fun reading Oblivious, the banter was great and while the pranks seemed a bit immature, I felt like it fit the characters and their history together. It was overall a sweet story with low angst, and I enjoyed the "idiots in love" theme and their lighthearted romance.