A review by nickimags
The Blue by Nancy Bilyeau


I read this book through The Pigeonhole, a free online book club and read it with other readers on the web. It was split into 10 parts, called staves, that I read through the nifty Pigeonhole app.

I must admit I was first drawn to this book because of the stunning cover, plus I read the author's debut The Crown many years ago, so had high hopes for this book. I read this on The Pigeonhole a bit differently this time, instead of reading a stave each day I read the whole book over 24 hours, it was that good!

I loved the main character Genevieve, she was a feisty young woman, so well written I got behind her straight away. Sir Gabriel was such an intriguing character, so handsome and charming, but was he all he claimed to be? Should Genevieve trust him or not?

Well without giving anything away, this was a fast paced, twisty turny, historical fiction, full of intrigue espionage, porcelain and the colour blue. Who'd have thought that a story about porcelain and colour would prevent me from putting this book down?

This is definitely going on my list of top reads for 2018 and I thoroughly recommend it if you enjoy historical fiction.