A review by ingo_lembcke
Sphere by Michael Crichton


Started June 29th, 2013
Took me awhile, as I knew the film which I really like and have seen a few times and own on DVD and Blu-ray.
Both the film and the book have some problems, mainly both could have been shorter.
But the philosophical and psychological themes are well thought out and presented.
The ending might seem unsatisfying, but it is a deeply moral choice resulting of recognizing ones own shortcomings (and that of mankind as now).
Four stars as it could have been a little shorter and faster.
And the book is mostly one really long chapter, so no real breaks to pause. If you have not seen the film, this might be a book to read in one long setting, a risk which you should be aware of if you must sleep or do other things.
I strongly suggest, after reading the book to watch the film.
Recommended reading: other books by Crichton, [b:The Andromeda Strain|7670|The Andromeda Strain|Michael Crichton|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1298413298s/7670.jpg|997271] - old, but excellent and also a fantastic film.