A review by sqeeker
Leading Men: The 50 Most Unforgettable Actors of the Studio Era by Turner Classic Movies


- I love old movies, and I love the old school actors. They had class and charisma that no other era or group of actors will have!

- My favorite quote in the book: "Their attraction was in what they did and were, not how they looked." LOVE THAT!

- It was fun to flip through this book and read about some of my favorite actors. I admit, I didn't read about every guy, but I read most of them.

- After reading, I gained a lot more respect for Cary Grant, James Stuart, and Gregory Peck! They were real gentlemen that did great things!

- Sadly, my respect also faltered for a few. I won't list names.

- I did not know Jimmy Stuart was a Brigadeer General in the Air Force!!!! Wholly huge shocker Batman!! I don't know why he wanted to keep it a secret. That title is something to be proud of!

- One of the best parts of the book was looking at all the pictures! So fun! The one of Charlie Chaplin is crazy! I totally didn't recognize him!

- There is not enough time in the day...or life, to watch all the movies I want to watch! The movies listed in the book just killed me! I wanted to watch all of them at that moment I read about it.

- A couple of my favs is Spencer Tracy, Gene Kelly, Mickey Rooney, and the others I've mentioned above.

- I'm hoping my hubby looks like Spencer Tracy when he is older...I think he will :)